Encounter at Illinois State University / ISU

Encounter at Illinois State University / ISU

DOES SIN STILL MATTER?  {influence series}- Ben Miller

November 05, 2024

An abrupt and devastating moment happens in the early Church when sin enters the community and death quickly follows behind it.  Why does God deal so harshly with this particular act of dishonesty?

(Acts 4:32-5:11, Jer 32:7, Ps 92:15, Ps 143:10, Ps 33:5, Ps 100:4-5, I Jn 1:5, 2 Tim 2:13, Titus 1:2, I Jn 3:20, James 1:13, Rom 6:23, James 1:15, Is 9:18, Is 55:8, Rom 6:11-14, Jn 16:8, James 5:16, Prov 24:16, Matt 6:12)