Encounter at Illinois State University / ISU

Latest Episodes
More than a Rebrand – Ben Miller
When Saul meets Jesus on the road to Damascus, it challenges everything about his life and requires a 180 degree change. Do I believe that the same Jesus who transformed...
The Mastery, Misery, Mystery of Ministry – Ben Miller
In Acts 8, the Church is spreading like a true wildfire. As the religious rulers try to slow the fires spread, God is breathing life into it. When God tells...
ALREADY WORKING {influence series}- Ben Miller
In Acts 8, Philip the evangelist helps us understand how to join God in His work of others hearing the Good News of Jesus. (Is 9:2, Is 53, Acts 26-39,...
OPPORTUNITIES FOR KINGDOM GROWTH {influence series}- Andrew Courtney
Persecution often shows faith for what it really is, as the light is always brighter in the darkness. Those who were scattered preach the Gospel as they go, and people...
LEADERSHIP IN THE KINGDOM {influence series}- Josh Jeffrey
The new Church is growing, and is experiencing fracturing/complaints. The wisdom from the apostles becomes delegation. Why is this important to the life of the church and the empowerment of...
DOES SIN STILL MATTER? {influence series}- Ben Miller
An abrupt and devastating moment happens in the early Church when sin enters the community and death quickly follows behind it. Why does God deal so harshly with this particular...
OPPOSITION {influence series}- Zach Thompson
Peter and John were confronted by the counsel. What does it mean that we must obey God rather than men? How do we know when we are supposed to listen...
YOU HAVE EYES – CAN’T YOU SEE? {together series}- Ben Miller
A crippled beggar is healed by Peter at the temple. Of the people present, some are ecstatic, others are indifferent, and some are even angry. Do we have the faith...
OUTSIDERS BECOMING INSIDERS {together series}- Phil Lopez
How can we step into life with God, rather than letting Him be on the outside? (Colossians 4:2-6, Acts 2:31-33, Acts 2:42-47)
CUT TO THE HEART {together series}- Ben Miller
As the New Testament Church gets rolling, incredible public revival becomes the natural result of deep personal surrender. (Acts 2:42-47, Rev 21:2-4, Eph 5:25-27, Acts 2:31-38, I Peter 3:21-22, 2...