CompTIA EmTechCast

CompTIA EmTechCast

Betting on the Next Big Thing: An Investor’s Perspective on Emerging Tech

October 30, 2018

In this episode of the EmTech Cast, Jim Brinksma of Black Python talks with CompTIA Communities leader Jim Hamilton about the investing side of emerging tech, advances in multi-language processing and machine perception, and the five areas of emerging technology that Brinksma believes we should keep our eyes on.

Listen to the episode for a discussion embedding trust into emerging tech like artificial intelligence and blockchain, and how Brinksma imagines emerging technologies will play out in the next 20 years. The discussion covers ways em-tech breaks down old communication barriers, how computers are learning to replicate human emotion and the importance of building trust in our new technologies. When people build out software and services related to emerging tech, they leave in security gaps that can be exploited, Brinksma said. How can we trust systems that have been created with security loopholes to aid customer experience, aggregate data and include lawful intercept capabilities?

Stay tuned to the second half of the episode when they take a deep dive into some potential use cases for emerging tech, like robots providing home care and companionship for the elderly.