EM Pulse Podcast™

EM Pulse Podcast™

A Vote For Health

October 17, 2020

The November 2020 election is right around the corner, and yet many Americans still aren’t registered to vote. Voting is not always a priority when people are struggling to meet their basic needs, yet the voices of people in underrepresented groups are essential to shaping policy that benefits everyone. We talk with Dr. Katren Tyler about VotER, a program started at Massachusetts General Hospital that helps ED physicians encourage interested patients to register, and provides easy ways to help them do so. Julia tells us about similar efforts promoted by the American Academy of Pediatrics that encouraged census completion, as well as voter registration. Finally, we talk with Dr. Taylor Nichols, an Emergency Physician and expert in health policy, about how policy has important downstream implications for health. He also gives us some things to think about when you cast your vote next month.

(Incidentally, the last day to register online or by mail is 10/19, but you can register in person through 11/3)

What do you think about programs like VotER? We’d love your feedback. Connect with us on social media @empulsepodcast, or through our website, ucdavisem.com.

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Dr. Julia Magaña, Associate Professor of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at UC Davis

Dr. Sarah Medeiros, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at UC Davis


Dr. Katren Tyler, Professor of Emergency Medicine and Vice Chair of Wellness for the UC Davis Department of Emergency Medicine 

Dr. Taylor Nichols, Emergency Physician, former UC Davis EM Health Policy Fellow, and California ACEP Board Member



ACEP Now article on VotER

AAP News article on encouraging completion of the 2020 census

Breonna Center for Justice article on voter registration decline (

Liggett A, Sharma M, Nakamura Y, et al. Results of a voter registration project at 2 family medicine residency clinics in the Bronx, New York. Ann Fam Med. 2014;12(5):466-469.
Thank you to the UC Davis Department of Emergency Medicine for supporting this podcast and to Orlando Magaña at OM Audio Productions for audio production services.