EM Pulse Podcast™
The Mind of an Airway Enthusiast: Heartbeat
Heartbeat: The Mind of an Airway Enthusiast
We sit down with EM legend and airway guru, Dr. Rich Levitan. Dr. Levitan is a self-proclaimed airway enthusiast who has published extensively on laryngoscopes and airway management. He currently works clinically, mainly in rural, critical care access hospitals, and travels the country and the globe speaking and teaching courses on airway management. So how does Dr. Levitan approach the “difficult airway”? It starts with mindset.
Send us your questions and continue the conversation on social media@empulsepodcast or at ucdavisem.com.
Dr. Sarah Medeiros, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at UC Davis
Dr. Rich Levitan, Emergency Physician, Adjunct Professor at Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine, Visiting Professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.
Ski and CME! Join us for the,UC Davis Emergency Medicine Winter Conference, March 4th-8th at the Ritz Carlton in Lake Tahoe, CA.
Come play and learn with us at the Western Regional SAEM Annual Meeting, March 21-22 in beautiful Napa, CA! #WRSAEM19
Thank you to the UC Davis Department of Emergency Medicine for supporting this podcast and to Orlando Magaña at OM Audio Productions for audio production services.
Dr. Rich LevitanDr. Sarah MedeirosQSC mixer, Apogee converters, Shure mics, Mogami Cables, Sony headphones