EM Pulse Podcast™

EM Pulse Podcast™

#Thisismylane– Episode 14

January 18, 2019

#Thisismylane– Episode 14
If you work in the ED, you’ve likely seen your fair share of victims of gun violence. Though mass shootings have brought this issue into the public eye, firearm violence has been a public issue in our country for decades. In this episode, you’ll hear some powerful stories from providers about their experiences with people killed and injured by firearms. Then, we talk with researcher and expert, Dr. Garen Wintemute, about trends he’s seen, and discuss how we, as physicians and medical providers, can be part of the solution. 
Clearly this is a charged and complex topic. Let’s respectfully share our thoughts on how we can help prevent gun violence. We want to know! Share your thoughts on social media, @empulsepodcast, or on our website, ucdavisem.com. 
Dr. Julia Magaña, Assistant Professor of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at UC Davis
Dr. Sarah Medeiros, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at UC Davis
Dr. Garen Wintemute Professor of Emergency Medicine, Susan P. Baker-Stephen P. Teret Chair in Violence Prevention at UC Davis, and Director, Violence Prevention Research Program  
UC Davis Violence Prevention Research Program Toolkit: What You Can Do to Stop Firearm Violence https://health.ucdavis.edu/vprp/WYCD.html
Annals of Internal Medicine commitment and op ed: What You Can Do to Stop Firearm Violence http://annals.org/aim/pages/commitment-to-stop-firearm-violence
Speak For Safety
Video of Garen Talking about gun retailers taking a hard line against illegal gun sales: https://health.ucdavis.edu/publish/facultybio/search/faculty/242
Ski and CME! Join us for the,UC Davis Emergency Medicine Winter Conference March 4th-8th at the Ritz Carlton in Lake Tahoe.
Come play and learn with at the Western Regional SAEM Annual Meeting, March 21-22 in beautiful Napa, CA! #WRSAEM19 
Thank you to the UC Davis Department of Emergency Medicine for supporting this podcast and to Orlando Magaña at OM Audio Productions for audio production services.
While this is a UC Davis EM podcast and many of the voices you hear today, including our own, are those of UC Davis EM Physicians, the opinions expressed may not be those of the UC DAVIS institution and Health System.