Empower Your Life with Dr. Matt James

Empower Your Life with Dr. Matt James

Latest Episodes

Lessons of Mastery & Life
November 29, 2023

How you get better at manifesting depends on knowing where you are in your life and how strong your foundation is. Do you need to bring in more resources like wealth? Or do you need to work on your in

Managing Your Emotions in the Moment
November 22, 2023

No matter how far down the path you are, it can still be difficult to navigate emotions in the moment. Learning how to remain calm, centered, and balanced in moments when your emotions may get the bes

Who Do You Choose to Invest Your Time With?
November 09, 2023

Not everyone deserves to have your time. Who you choose to spend your time with should elevate you and fill your cup. Listen to Dr. Matt as he explains why choosing who to spend your time with is tied

Dealing With Family
November 02, 2023

Being around family can be fun and frustrating at the same time. How you keep the peace, starts with accepting what you can and cannot control. Listen to Dr. Matt as he gives tips on how to keep the u

Make More Money with NLP
October 25, 2023

Want to learn the secret to prosperity and making the money you want? It all starts with your beliefs. The most successful people in the world have a belief that they will be successful and prosperous

Stop Being a Bad Listener
October 18, 2023

Do you know how to take charge of the communication in your life and how to increase mutual agreement? The key to this is active listening. Learning what questions to ask and avoiding assumptions will

How to Deal with Stress and Overwhelm
October 11, 2023

Do you easily get stressed out or overwhelmed? Is stress affecting your personal life, career, and/or relationships? Learning how to navigate stress and overwhelm is a huge step towards happiness and

Why Are You Stuck in a Lower Vibration?
October 04, 2023

Want to improve and elevate in all areas of life? You need to first learn how to raise your energetic vibration in order to become who you were meant to be! Unhealthy mindset, negative emotions, limit

Your Hero’s Journey
September 27, 2023

Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell described the Heros Journey as what your soul is here to do. By discovering your Heros Journey, you can learn how to bring more fulfillment into all areas of your life

Helping Others with Energy
September 20, 2023

Whether or not you realize it or even want to understand it, youre already doing things with energy all the time. Energy and environment affect you first and foremost it filters through your mind,