Empire History Podcast

Empire History Podcast

Latest Episodes

4. Heir to Achilles IV - Darkest Before the Dawn
February 24, 2019

Archelaus offers Ancient Macedonia a temporary respite, and following his death the kingdom is quickly pulled into its death spiral, almost resulting in it's destruction.

3. Heir to Achilles III -Surviving Succession
February 17, 2019

Heir to Achilles III - Surviving Succession tells the story of Perdicass II as he struggles to keep Ancient Macedon independent during the Peloponnesian War  

2. Heir to Achilles II - Alexander the Philhellene
February 10, 2019

This episode of Empire History Podcast takes us through the Persian Greek wars, as Alexander I the Philhellene leads Macedonia to new heights.

1. Heir to Achilles I - Ancient Macedon
February 10, 2019

This episode introduces us to our series on Alexander the Great, and provides a background of ancient Macedon. It's the Macedonian Origin Story.

Introduction to Empire History Podcast
February 09, 2019

  This episode introduces Empire History Podcast, and its host, Seth Wheeler.

Heir to Achilles I
February 03, 2019

Heir to Achilles I

Introduction Episode
February 03, 2019

Introduction Episode