The Elite Performance Podcast

How To Stop Self Sabotage, Step Into Leadership and a 20K MRR Jump - W/ Brendan Tully | Elite Performance Podcast #61
“I started using this reframe in the biz and hit my Arena goal (+20k rev per month) 10 days later. I did the hard (not really that hard even) things that I've been putting off for years.”
In today’s episode, we’re joined by Brendan Tully to talk about why sometimes overcoming plateaus can be simpler than we think.
Why it’s sometimes not about overcoming fear or some deep seeded self-sabotage, but about finding a reframe that can shift everything
Key topics cover:
- The 3 steps to overcoming self-sabotage
- How to know what general great advice is bad for you personally
- The key components to working less while making more
To connect with Brendan you can go to:
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