The Elite Performance Podcast

The Elite Performance Podcast

AMA - War, Winning and Clear Thinking in Dark Times - The Hammas Terror Attacks in Israel | Elite Performance Podcast #37

October 13, 2023

Itamar’s personal account of the unprecedented situation in Israel, the Hammas terror attacks against innocent civilians and his frameworks on maintaining a winning mindset during crisis, chaos and dark times. 

  • The difference between acute and chronic stress and how to handle each 
  • How to be useful during times of crisis 
  • How to effectively support and communicate with those affected by crisis + a template

 Links for Donations. These organizations have been vetted for legitimacy.  

  1. JGive - National Emergency Fund to Aid War Victims - All donations to JGive are Article 46 tax-deductible
  2. Entrepreneurs United for EO Israel - Jewish National Fund USA
