EMCrit FOAM Feed

EMCrit FOAM Feed

Podcast 92 - EMCrit Intubation Checklist

February 05, 2013


Since Peter Pronovost’s landmark study on how a simple checklist can nearly abolish central line infections, checklists have been the darling of the medical literature. But central lines generally are for elective procedures, allowing us the time and patience to run through the list. Can we gain the same safety and cognitive benefits in an adrenaline-laden procedure like intubation? Hell yeah!

It all starts with the EMCrit Intubation Checklist

Download the checklist

The Components
HOp Killers

Here is the wee on the HOp Killers: Hemodynamic Kills, Oxygenation Kills, and pH Kills

RSI or Awake? · DSI? · RSA? · ICP/Vascular?

Are the peri-intubation medications ready?

Push-Dose Pressors

What is the plan for unexpected difficult or failed airway?

Can the cricothyroid membrane be palpated?

What is the plan for post-intubation sedation?

Is the patient positioned adequately?
from AirwayCam Site
Would the patient benefit from pre-intubation NGT?

Skills of Intubation



Bougie-Aided Cricothyrotomy


Post Intubation Management

Building Checklists

The Checklist Project and their Checklist for Checklists

Other People’s Intubation Checklists for Inspiration

The EMCrit checklist drew inspiration and aid from these other checklists. Shoulders of giants and such…

Did you like this post? Then tweet the hell out of it

Finally… The EMCrit Call/Response VodCast is done. Podcast 92: emcrit.org/podcasts/emcri… Now tear it apart and make it better!

— Scott Weingart (@emcrit) February 5, 2013

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Now, on to the podcast…

You just read the post: Podcast 92 – EMCrit Intubation Checklist from EMCrit Blog - Emergency Department Critical Care.

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