The Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies Podcast Network

The Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies Podcast Network

Latest Episodes

Toldot 5784: The Challenge of Chosenness
November 15, 2023

The book of Bereishit, filled with the themes of covenant and birthright, tells the story of the progenitors of the Jewish people. Among the many characters we meet in the book are pairs of siblings o

Pidyon Shvuyim Episode 1: Lauded Objective
November 09, 2023

What does Judaism say regarding the mitzvah of pidyon shvuyim,freeing captives? - In a timely new addition to his impromptu Torah for Tough Times mini-series, Levi explores the importance of freeing

Chaye Sarah 5784: Ensuring the Future
November 07, 2023

What does the Torah teach us about encountering grief? - As we mourn the tragedies of October 7, Ilana Gleicher-Bloom and Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield explore Avraham and Yitzchak's response to the passing o

Vayera 5784: An Imminent and Transcendent Connection
November 01, 2023

Do we allow our pursuit of spirituality to get in the way of true divine connection? - In this week's episode of Pardes from Jerusalem, Yiscah Smith and Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield discuss Parshat Vayera th

Lech Lecha 5784: Avraham’s Global Family
October 24, 2023

This episode is sponsored by Jeff and Alissa Hurok in honor of their dear friends and family who have engaged with and enhanced Jeffs Torah study and have encouraged his participation with Pardes. -

Noach 5784: Passivity in the Face of Destruction
October 17, 2023

Dedicated to the healing of those who were injured, to the memory of those who lost their lives, and with hopes and prayers for the rescue of all those who are being held hostage. - Disclaimer: This e

Torah for Tough Times: Images of Atrocities – A Torah Perspective
October 16, 2023

On October 7, as Jews around the world were celebrating Simchat Torah, terrorists crossed into Israel attacking communities across southern Israel. While left reeling from the pain of this tragedy, ma

Torah for Tough Times: Prayer for the Communities Attacked
October 16, 2023

On October 7, as Jews around the world were celebrating Simchat Torah, terrorists crossed into Israel attacking communities across southern Israel. While left reeling from the pain of this tragedy, ma

Torah for Tough Times: Hallel During Wartime
October 16, 2023

On October 7, as Jews around the world were celebrating Simchat Torah, terrorists crossed into Israel attacking communities across southern Israel. While left reeling from the pain of this tragedy, ma

Bereishit 5784: Let’s Talk About Rain
October 09, 2023

Dedicated to the healing of those who were injured, to the memory of those who lost their lives, and with hopes and prayers for the rescue of all those who are being held hostage. - Including an openi
