Open to Debate with David Moscrop

Open to Debate with David Moscrop

How are you doing-er?

July 19, 2022

In February, 2021, we took a deep breath and mixed things up by checking in with one of our favourite comedians as we celebrated our 40th episode. At the time, we’d been in the pandemic for a year. Now, we’ve been at it for over two years and we’re approaching 70 episodes. So, what better time to check back in with one of our best-loved guests.

Last time, we asked “How are you doing?” It would be lazy to ask the same question, so this time we ask: How are you doing-er? 

On this episode of Open to Debate, David Moscrop talks with Brittlestar— Stewart Reynolds—comedian, video-maker extraordinaire, and, according to his website, The Internet’s Favourite Dad* (*still unproven).