Elder Law Issues

Elder Law Issues

Latest Episodes

Your Special Needs Planning
November 10, 2019

When do you need to do your special needs planning? - Do you have a child who receives Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI) or Medicaid benefits? If so, you need to get working on your special needs planning.

Gifts and Gift Agreements in Your Estate Plan
November 03, 2019

Want to simplify the administration of your estate? Give everything away! In this week's podcast, we discuss gifts and gift agreements you might consider. - Is it really a good idea to give everything away before you die? Probably not,

Placing Restrictions on Your Trustee
October 27, 2019

When you sign a trust, you probably have a vision of how the trustee will operate. Will they continue to utilize your trusted advisors? Liquidate all your carefully-selected assets? Understand your intentions regarding distributions to your beneficiari...

Keeping Original Documents – What You Need to Keep
October 20, 2019

In this online, digital age, do you still need to keep original documents in a secure place? Yes -- though (at least in Arizona) loss of some originals -- especially your trust and powers of attorney -- may not be a huge problem. -

QMB and SLMB and QI (Oh, My)
October 13, 2019

Medicare is a great health-care program for its participants. Most Medicare beneficiaries prefer its coverage to what they might get under Medicaid. But what about people who can't afford the premiums for Medicare Part B (and Part D),

The Client’s Perspective: Initial Estate Planning Interview
September 29, 2019

From the client's perspective, the initial estate planning interview might seem unsettling, confusing -- even a little bit frightening. How often, after all, do you settle in for a long discussion about mortality, disability and family dynamics? -

What We Expect From an Initial Client Interview
September 22, 2019

The initial client interview with your new lawyer can be a daunting experience. We are not actually very intimidating, but clients often feel a little overwhelmed by that first interview. We'd like to put you at ease. -

How Often Should You Update Your Estate Plan?
September 15, 2019

Good for you! You signed your will and powers of attorney! Maybe you even finalized your living trust, and transferred all (or most) of your assets into the trust's name. You're done, right? You never have to update your estate plan again, right? -

Personal Property Lists and Your Will or Trust
August 25, 2019

Here's an important part of your estate plan that you may not know about: personal property lists. - In Arizona (and a number of other states -- talk to your local attorney) your will can make specific reference to a list of personal property items an...

ABLE Act Accounts
August 18, 2019

In 2014, the federal government allowed states to establish ABLE Act accounts. Do you understand who they are for and when you might want to explore the idea further? - In this week's podcast episode, we discuss ABLE Act accounts in Arizona.