Elder Law Issues

Elder Law Issues

UTMA, 529 and ABLE

March 14, 2021

What are UTMA, 529 and ABLE? And which is better for your situation?

The difference can be confusing. How to make a gift, but not cause other problems because of the recipient's youth, immaturity or limitations?

Three common mechanisms are the topic of this podcast episode. We talk about (among other things):

UTMA -- the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (a state law, adopted in Arizona and 48 other states -- this may be the year that South Carolina joins the rest of the states).

§529 (education) accounts -- a federal tax-favored way to set money aside for future college education costs (and some other expenditures). Though they are based on federal tax law, most states have created 529 programs in accordance with that law.

ABLE Act accounts -- another federal tax law that encourages states to set up specialized investment alternatives. This time, though, the intended beneficiaries are people with disabilities -- regardless of age (though their disability must have existed before they reached age 26).

Join us for a discussion of UTMA, 529 and ABLE. We hope to break down the jargon and clarify the differences.