Elder Law Issues

Elder Law Issues

New York Medicaid Planning vs. Arizona

July 12, 2020

New York Medicaid rules don't ordinarily concern us at Fleming & Curti, PLC. After all, we are a Tucson elder law attorney firm. We don't practice in New York at all.

But when we have an opportunity to discuss state-to-state differences with one of the leading elder law practitioners in the nation, we take it. This week we talk with good friend and extraordinary elder law attorney Lawrence Davidow. He has been a leader in the field for over thirty years. In fact, Lawrence is a former President (and a Fellow) of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. He was a founding member of the Special Needs Alliance. We are active in both of those organizations, and have always admired his dedication, hard work and approachability.

Lawrence's practice (Davidow, Davidow, Siegel & Stern, LLP) is on Long Island, New York. His description of New York Medicaid planning helps point out some of the state differences in the elder law practice.

Could an Arizona resident take advantage of most of the Medicaid planning techniques Lawrence describes? Yes, but they are not as commonly used. Why not? Listen to our discussion with Lawrence Davidow to gain some insight into the different practices between Arizona and New York Medicaid planning.