Elder Law Issues

Elder Law Issues

Your Special Needs Planning

November 10, 2019

When do you need to do your special needs planning?

Do you have a child who receives Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI) or Medicaid benefits? If so, you need to get working on your special needs planning. Is there someone in your family (a grandchild, a niece or nephew) receiving such benefits? You need to think about the same issues.

But those aren't the only times you need to plan for "special needs." The special needs trust we might talk with you about will also work for other circumstances. Even for beneficiaries who aren't on needs-based public benefits.

We don't need to label your special needs planning as a "Special Needs Trust." That might help reduce your -- and your child's -- anxiety about labels. The key is to make sure your plan maximizes your beneficiary's autonomy, personal potential and access to necessary services.

Join us for our podcast discussion of special needs planning.