Elder Law Issues
We Know That Furniture and Accessories Matter to Our Clients
Furniture and accessories matter in a law office like ours. Of course we want to have attractive and functional fixtures. But we also recognize that our client base includes people with various kinds of limitations. We also know that we need to accommodate family members, caregivers and equipment that might come into our waiting room.
Making the furniture and accessories work well in our environment is a constant process. We’re now in the process of making our third change of chairs, for example. It’s very hard to get attractive chairs that can be moved fairly easily but not so easily that they are dangerous.
And the same issues extend to other office functionality. How accessible are our bathrooms (Spoiler alert: very)? Is the coffee/tea/soda/water station inviting, functional and attractive (we think so)? We keep watching our own furniture and accessories decisions, and looking for internal improvements.
We are proud of what we’re doing and want to call attention to the effort. We also want our work on the office environment to be invisible. Feel free to notice; we probably won’t talk about it again. But we’d like to think our clients will notice on some level, even if they don’t call it out to us.