Elder Law Issues

Elder Law Issues

What Estate Tax Changes Should You Expect in 2026?

May 13, 2024

This week we dusted off both our crystal and Magic8 balls, and we are prepared to tell you about estate tax changes in 2026. Or, at least, what might change. Well, they might not change. Or something altogether different might happen

Do you care? Yes, if your estate is worth more than about $6 million (or, if you’re married, your combined estate is more than double that figure). According to one online calculator, that means something less than 1.3% of all Americans.

Of course, many Americans are keen on believing they might one day be multimillionaires. And they might. But they won’t have estate tax issues until they do. Or if they live in one of the handful of estates that imposes a state estate tax.

Confused? We’ll help you navigate the calculations.