The Elder Divide

The Elder Divide

The Elder Divide – Happy Holidays

December 25, 2015

Hello & Welcome to my HOME. Become a Patron of The Elder Divide over @ This is the best way to support ME and my Family for the holiday season and beyond.

I am your producer and host Todd Aune from here at HOME.
(Narrowing the gap between you and technology) for the 50+ Elders, Boomers & Seniors listening.
New listeners of any age are always Welcome! here @ HOME on

Part of GNC Network @ with Todd Cochrane and all the other podcasts there.

I am a Proud member of If it’s Tech it’s here. and The International Association of Internet Broadcasters (IAIB)

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Going to CES very soon like the 4th of January. Watch live coverage at January 6-9
We have a new partner for the show Tack App from StoAmigo. It will turn any computer or Android device into a cloud server. Kind of like cloud storage of files but easier and you keep the files on your device under your control. Check them out at

I am going to be politically INCORRECT here and wish ALL my listeners a
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Holiday's around the world!
from The Elder Divide and family.
My mom and family are all doing quite well.

This is my annual tribute to CES2016 and the GNC Network gang on

Twas the night before CES, when all through North Hall
Not a gadget was stirring, not even them all.
The displays were all done and each booth done with care,
In hopes that the Press, would soon be there.

The devices were nestled all snug in their spots,
While visions of Interviews danced in their heads all aglow.
And Todd in his chair, and us by his side,
We had just settled our brains for a long podcast show.

When out on the floor there arose such a clatter,
We sprang from the booth to see what was the matter.
Away to the floor we flew like a flash,
Tore open the doors and ran like the Flash.

The desert was hot and we had to do the show
Gave the lustre of New Media Tech and objects to and frow.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a TPN.TV, and eight Podcasters near.

With a little old mic, and video so lively,
I knew in a moment it must be a fan.
More rapid than Internet his supporters they came,
And he whistled, and shouted,