

38. 10 horrible tautologies French people say

March 07, 2021

Why is French so difficult? Well, for French native speakers, it's very difficult too, it's one answer.

This episode will help you if you don't want to make the same mistakes as French native speakers. Sometimes, in one sentence, French speakers repeat the same idea with two different words without realizing that it's a mistake. It makes the speech redundant and a bit pointless.

We make these mistakes by imitation, because we grow up hearing them. We realize that it's redundant when we study the root (in general in latin) of the word.

I chose for this episode 10 very common tautologies (pléonasmes en français) French speakers say and that I will forbid you to say ! Watch out, French Big Brother is watching you !

Here is the list of the 10 tautologies that I mention in this episode:

  • Descendre en bas / monter en haut
  • Un bref résumé
  • Une autre alternative
  • Sortir dehors
  • Au jour d’aujourd’hui
  • Allumer la lumière
  • Moi personnellement
  • Il suffit juste
  • Faire le tri sélectif
  • Etc…


French podcast every 15 days, available on my webiste

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