Class Act: Updates in Education Law

Class Act: Updates in Education Law

Season 3 Episode 4: Booster Groups and School Boards

June 01, 2019

Booster groups are parent and community-led organizations that support and fundraise for various programs offered by public school districts, such as sports, drama, etc. Some booster groups are official and others are not, but any group's activities can raise challenging legal questions for school boards. Who is liable if a child is injured at a booster group event?  Can booster events feature alcohol and gambling? What are Individual Fundraising Accounts and are they even legal? Can students be required to pay a fee if they don't want to sell chocolate door to door?

Join Lisa, Miriam, and Peter to learn about booster groups and various federal and state laws that govern these organizations. We also discuss policies and practices that school boards should be implementing when working with booster groups.

Miriam, Lisa, and Peter practice education law at Walter Haverfield in Cleveland, Ohio. We love hearing from you, so drop us a line about what you enjoyed listening to and what topics you'd like to hear more about in future episodes.


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