

Give Up Everything?

April 17, 2020

What does Jesus mean: Give up everything?

Edge God In Podcast 70: When Jesus encountered the rich ruler, He asked him to give up everything He had and come and follow Him...did Jesus mean everything? What does that mean?


Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Learning Objective: Understand what Jesus meant when He said we need to give up everything to follow Him.

Scriptures: Luke18:18-30 | Luke 14:33 | Zechariah 4:6 | Galatians 5:1, 2:20

Dear Lord,

Everything? Help me to tune into the attachments I have in my life that prevent me from experiencing the fullness of joy, purpose and inner peace you died to give me. Fill me with the grace to release what I have been clinging to in my life for a sense of purpose and identity. Help me to receive you in my mind, will and emotions. I want to emerge from this time of sheltering in place with a resurrected sense of connection to you, and you alone. I am willing to believe that I will never be left empty handed when I surrender all that I am into all that you are. I want freedom in you moving forward.

Questions to Reflect on: Jesus is stopping by today. He asks you to leave everything and to come and follow Him...what is the first thing that pops into your mind that you would want to go back and get or take care of before following Him?