

Campaigning for Christ – Part 1: Gentile Campaign

July 28, 2024

Edge God In Post

Conflict Resolution the EIC Way

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Emotional Intelligence in Christ 6 Week Study Guide

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Learning Objective: Learn How Christ ran his Campaigns in a series shared in his word

Scriptures: Acts 1:4 | | Acts 10 | Acts 10:44-48 | Acts 10:34-35 | Galatians 2:11-14 | Galatians 2:15-21

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Edge God In Podcast 254: Campaigning for Christ – Part 1: Gentile Campaign

EdgeGodIn.com | Host: Dr. Estella Chavous

Championing Human Potential in Christ

Emotional Intelligence in Christ Project: Book & Course Now Launched

Learning Objective: What is meant by the application of the EIC Method 


Father God, I come to you in thanks, praise, and forgiveness for things I know I have done, could do, or am not aware of. Lord, we live in challenging times filled with conflict and lack self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication. Help us listen to you and act as you would, with Love and no offense, knowing you are guiding us.

Thank you, Father, for the countless blessings you give us daily, seen and unseen. We are grateful for the Emotional Intelligence In Christ project, a God-given tool that helps us acknowledge your ultimate presence and authority. Most of all, we thank you for being our father and the Love and protection you continually provide, which gives us strength and comfort. Amen