

A Lesson from Jesus on Identity

June 06, 2024

Edge God In Podcast 249: A Lesson from Jesus on Identity

Support Resources Referenced: Emotional Intelligence in Christ Book and 6 Week Study Guide

Hearing His Whisper, with Every Storm Jesus Comes Too  https://amzn.to/3nNxdya

EdgeGodIn.com | Host: Lauren E Miller

Championing Human Potential in Christ

Download Bible Study Template

Learning Objective: Feeling hijacked these days emotionally? In today’s Podcast we will remember whose we are and why we are here in earth school.

Scriptures: Mark 12:13-16| Romans 8:29 | 1 Peter 2:9

Dear Lord, I get emotionally hijacked too often by events and circumstances outside of me. My frustrations get the best of my behaviors and I need your help. Help me to remember what my soul always knows: I am created in your image, for your purposes and glory.

Award Winning Books:

Stop Letting The World Be The Boss of You: 25 Solutions to Refresh Your Identity in Christ

Stress Relief Video Techniques: Click Here https://laurenemiller.com/stress-relief-coaching-expert/