Black Authors Network Talk Show

Black Authors Network Talk Show

SPECIAL BAN SHOWCASE - Left for Dead: The Ebony Canion Story - Feb 09,2014

February 09, 2014

Ebony Canion is no stranger to adversity. In fact, her countless traumatic experiences in her childhood and adulthood have molded her to be strong, resilient, and faithful, in short—a survivor. But on that fateful day, June 30, 2012, her strength was tested more than ever before. Run over, then dragged for over two hundred feet, Ebony Canion was left for dead! She sustained multiple serious injuries and was in a coma for over two months. But keeping with the pattern of her life, Ebony's spirit of faithfulness was bent but never broken. And it was then, healing in the hospital, that Ebony decided to share her story with the world. As an inspiration to all who know her, Ebony's will to overcome, more importantly to survive, is unparalleled. She started a T-shirt company, Survival Story Tees, which empower others to let their scars tell their story. Ebony wants to show people all over the world that despite your scars—your journey and disappointments—they tell a story. Ebony's scars show that no matter what situation she is confronted with, she will survive. Her book, Left for Dead (Life Changing Books- Jan, 2014), will show that despite her many obstacles, she will never be defeated—she will survive. Read more about Ebony here. Purchase books from the Publisher Life Changing Books www.lifechangingbo