Black Authors Network Talk Show

Black Authors Network Talk Show

The Kwanzaa Konnection with Ella and Friends - Dec 30,2013

December 29, 2013

7 Principles of Kwanzaa: The Way of Living HAPPY KWANZAA! A Celebration of Family, Community, and Culture The Principle Imani: “Commitment, duty, and obligation to trust and believe in our people and our parents and our meet all challenges and to make progress.†Faith Theme: Believing in ourselves and our people. The 7 Principles of Kwanzaa are a pathway to the restoration of African American people. Embracing these principles will give dispatch to the reappearance of families as a normative feature of black life, serve to increase permanent unions of love between women and men, give rise to neighborhood institutions and conditions necessary to enable black children to thrive, and give birth to school excellence and the pursuit of knowledge in the service of humanity. As a moral pathway, the 7 Principles of Kwanzaa is the interpretive framework for molding family and community identity and attachments. Read more: