EconoFact Chats

EconoFact Chats

Analyzing the 2024 Presidential Election

November 24, 2024

Does the outcome of the 2024 election suggest a realignment of traditional voting patterns? Early data points to continuity along some dimensions, such as an expected anti-incumbency vote against Democrats. But there were also notable shifts among certain groups. For example, young people, who had largely tilted towards Democrats in recent election cycles, swung by more than 20 points towards Republicans. This shift was even more pronounced among young men of color with lower levels of education. David Lazer joins EconoFact Chats to discuss this, and other notable shifts in voting patterns in the 2024 election, and the likelihood that these changes will persist.

David is a University Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Computer Sciences at Northeastern University. He is the director of Northeastern's Internet and Democracy Initiative, co-directs the Civic Healthy Institutions Project.