EconoFact Chats

Latest Episodes
The Economics of College Sports (Re-broadcast)
Football and basketball teams at Division I universities generate billions in revenue. But the student-athletes themselves do not receive salaries. Should they? Most have scholarships for their tuitio
Can We Mitigate Climate Disasters?
High intensity flooding events, storms, wildfires, and droughts are becoming more frequent in manyparts of the world. Are there measures that can help mitigate the number and severity of these events
Rethinking Global Governance
Much like national economies, countries that economically interact with each other need rules to help ensure markets work well, and that economic outcomes accord with some understanding of fairness an
Principles of Economics: Insights for Better Policy
The basic principles of economics are not only worthwhile reading for students, but for the wider public, and perhaps especially, for those involved in policy.Greg Mankiw, the author of best-selling
Abraham Lincoln and the Role of Government in the Economy (Re-broadcast)
In 1860, the United States had no national currency, no national bank, and no income tax. Lincoln had a vision of advancing the economic fortunes of the country and fostering greater economic equality
Immigration and the Economy (Re-broadcast)
Immigration promises to be a key issue in the U.S. Presidential elections. Candidates from both parties favor limits but differ on the extent of restrictions. Immigration is important for a vibrant ec
Immigration and the Shortage of American Workers (Re-broadcast)
In 2016, immigration to the U.S. began to fall, and after bottoming out at the outset of COVID-19, rebounded in 2021 and 2022.This rebound occurred at a time when labor force participation was at its
What Populists Don't Understand About Tariffs (but economists do) (Re-broadcast)
Both presidential candidates have supported tariffs, albeit at very different levels. Can tariffs bring back manufacturing jobs, reduce the trade deficit, and provide substantial revenues? Responding
Moving Away from the Economics of Grievance (Re-broadcast)
A center-right economic policy agenda has traditionally meant a focus on lower marginal tax rates, fiscal prudence, an openness to immigration, free trade and globalization. In recent years however, t
The Challenges of Trump's Economic Plans
President-elect Trump's campaign promises included imposing broad tariffs to bolster U.S. manufacturing jobs, pursuing mass deportations to free jobs for U.S. citizens and ease the housing crunch, and