Latest Episodes

174: Mitigating Climate Change | Unpacking News Headlines on the latest IPCC WGIII Report
April 08, 2022

This episode is a new style I’m excited about! We are listening to and expanding upon five soundbites from news media this week from experts on the latest IPCC Working Group III report, focused on Mit

173: How To Spot Greenwashing
April 01, 2022

Earth Month campaigns are upon us! Let’s break down some examples of buzzwords, like “clean,” “eco-friendly,” “earth conscious”… things that mean basically nothing without clear, measurable definition

172: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine is All About Fossil Fuels | Dr. Sweta Chakraborty
March 25, 2022

The current crisis in Ukraine is an unfortunate lesson in the dangers of fossil fuel dependency. We’re joined by renowned behavioral scientist Dr. Sweta Chakraborty to better understand how Russia’s i

171: What Is Environmental Racism?
March 18, 2022

Let’s better understand a term that *a lot* of our conversations here are founded on: environmental racism. We better understand what injustices upon BIPOC communities look like, how they may be legal

170: Let My People Go Surfing by Yvon Chouinard | Book Club with Kathleen Sheppard, Tiller Swim
March 11, 2022

We’re breaking down the golden standard manual of ethical entrepreneurship: Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman by Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard. We read this month w

158: Wallet Activism | Tanja Hester
November 11, 2021

Is ‘conscious consumerism’ enough? This week we’re exploring what it means to truly use your dollars to influence change with author and activist Tanja Hester. Tanja’s upcoming book, Wallet Activism:

157: All About COP: Climate Commitments + Inequities at the UN Conference of Parties
November 02, 2021

The Super Bowl of Climate Change Solutions has started… the 26th convening of the United Nations Conference of Parties kicked of Monday, Nov 1 and runs for two weeks for governments to discuss climate

156: What to Know About Compound Extreme Events
October 12, 2021

We’re talking extreme weather today – frequency, intensity, and what we should actually be worrying about. Let’s first bust the myth that climate change is causing more storms, and then get into why w

155: Climate Anxiety + 5 Tips for Burnout
September 23, 2021

I’ve taken an unintentional hiatus recently, largely due to some recent heightened climate anxiety… so today, we are defining climate or eco- anxiety, and breaking down some tips from the American Psy

154: Pride Chic Chats: LGBTQ+ Environmentalism
August 06, 2021

We’re joined by four friends of the pod today to discuss experiences within the queer community and environmental spaces!! Our LGBTQ+ -focused episode is value-packed with arguably the most vast range