Echo Zoe Radio

Echo Zoe Radio

Latest Episodes

Eric Douma: The Religion of Marxism
April 12, 2014

We hear the phrase "religious right" often in our political discourse, referring to people who have political views that are informed by their Judeo-Christian worldview. For this episode, Eric Douma joins me to discuss the "religious left". Marxism is com

Tony Miano: Qualifications for Ministry
March 15, 2014

Tony Miano is a full-time evangelist that regularly engages in open-air preaching on the street. He first joined me in December 2012 to discuss Biblical Evangelism, and returns this month to discuss the qualifications that a Biblical evangelist should hol

Chris White: Mystery Babylon
February 02, 2014

Chris White, of Bible Prophesy Talk, has done some extensive study of "Mystery Babylon", also known as "The Woman Who Rides the Beast" as found in Revelation 17 & 18. He joins me this month to make the case for just who this enigmatic city is. This dis...

Bob DeWaay: The Doctrine of the Church
January 05, 2014

In keeping with the pattern established over the last six years (excepting 2012), we return to the Essentials of the Christian Faith for the January episode of Echo Zoe Radio. This time around, Bob DeWaay returns to talk about the Doctrine of the Church.

Mike Abendroth: The Epistle to Laodicea and the Canon of Scripture
December 07, 2013

And when this letter has been read among you, have it also read in the church of the Laodiceans; and see that you also read the letter from Laodicea. - Colossians 4:16 What happened to the letter from Laodicea that Paul mentions in this verse? There is a

Kent Crocket: Pastor Abuse
November 10, 2013

Among the more painful things that a church can experience is the removal of a Godly pastor and/or a church split. Kent Crockett endured such an experience as a pastor and subsequently found that the abuse he endured on his way out was not unique. Not onl

Jordan Hall: A Modern Day Downgrade
October 03, 2013

Jordan Hall is the pastor of Fellowship Church in Sidney Montana. He is also a co-founder and executive board member of Reformation Montana, a missions-oriented organization made up of Reformed churches throughout Montana. In May, Jordan gave a message at

Ryan Habbena: The New Jerusalem
September 10, 2013

The New Jerusalem is a topic that is not often explored, being a small subset of the study of eschatology (end-times), but the scriptures say much more about it than you'd think during a casual reading of Revelation 21. Ryan Habbena returns for another ep

Chris Rosebrough: The Hebrew Roots Movement
August 01, 2013

Chris Rosebrough is the host of "Fighting for the Faith" on Pirate Christian Radio. For this episode, he joins me to discuss the Hebrew Roots Movement, a growing group that seeks to bring believers back into subjection to the Law of Moses in the Torah....

Sye Ten Bruggencate: Presuppositional Apologetics
July 13, 2013

Sye Ten Bruggencate left his factory job a few years ago in Dorchester, Ontario to go full time into the ministry of apologetics. He began as an evidentiary apologist, but was soon won over to the presuppositional model. Sye's ministry is called Proof t