Echo Zoe Radio

Echo Zoe Radio

Alan Kurschner: The Importance of Eschatology

September 01, 2015

A couple of weeks ago, Alan Kurschner of Eschatos Ministries was in town for a conference on Pre-Wrath and Pre-Millenial eschatology. The day before that conference, he sat down with me to talk about end-times Biblical prophecy for this episode of the podcast. As youâll hear, we discussed the importance of eschatology, why the Pre-Millenial, Pre-Wrath view, as opposed to Pre-Trib or Amillennial, and we addressed the doctrine of imminence, which the entire Pre-Tribulational view depends upon.

Outline of the Discussion

Eschatos Ministries is dedicated to Futurist, Pre-Millennial, Pre-Wrath eschatology. It was started to promote Alan's Book "Antichrist Before the Day of the Lord," and has been growing ever since.
Why is eschatology important?

Eschatology was important to Jesus. He stated in his Great Commission: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations... ...teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:19-20a)
The Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24 & 25) is among the longest discourses given by our Lord. Despite the claims of some, this discourse was given to and for the church. 24:25 says "See, I have told you ahead of time." This was a warning in direct context of the Antichrist's Great Tribulation.
Eschatology is sometimes pitted against Evangelism in importance to the believer. However, eschatology should be complementary to evangelism, not in competition to it. We are to warn the wicked & the lost that judgement is coming.
The warning against taking the Antichrist's mark (Revelation 14:9-11) is a warning that affects salvation, demonstrating that eschatology is important.
There's a real danger that if we don't believe the church will see the Great Tribulation, we won't prepare, and we'll be much worse off when it comes, despite the Lord's warnings.
Many people come to a saving faith in Christ through eschatological studies. Knowing that judgment is coming stirs the Lord's flock to heed His call to repentance.

Why the Pre-Millenial, Pre-Wrath view, as opposed to Amillennial or Post-Millennial?

The debate is not over the length of the Millennium. Pre-Millenialists & Amillenialists will agree that the "Millenium" is a very long period of time. They also agree that it begins with the binding of Satan.
The heart of the debate is over the timing of the binding of Satan. Amillenialists believe that took place at Christ's first coming, whereas Pre-Millenialists believe that it will happen at Christ's second coming.
Alan sees the a key problem in this debate being the chapter breaks in the Bible, introduced in the 13th century. Amillenialists jump to Revelation 20:1 for their view, but the chapter break bifurcates a passage that began at Revelation 19:11.
The Antichrist and the False prophet are cast into Hell in Revelation 19, after the Day of the Lord, but Satan is bound at that time, to be released at the end of the Millennium, to be finally conquered and thrown into Hell.

What is the doctrine of imminence, and is it Biblical?

The Bible teaches expectance, not imminence. That is, Jesus can return to gather His church at any generation, not any moment.
Imminence is the teaching that Jesus can return to rapture His church at any moment, and that no signs must precede it.
To get imminence, Pre-Tribulationists disconnect the rapture from the second coming of Christ, which can't be done Biblically.
They key rapture passage is 1 Thessalonians 4, which speaks of those who are alive up to the coming of our Lord (v. 15)
In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul connects the resurrection to the return of Christ.
In 2 Thessalonians 2, Paul declares that the Day of the Lord cannot happen until after the Apostasy and the revelation of the Man of Lawlessness.

Whether it's the original Greek or the English translations, context is key. More than anything, we can best understand a passage through the context.