Echo Zoe Radio

Echo Zoe Radio

Bob DeWaay: Salvation & Condemnation

January 01, 2015

In January 2009, we began a series on âThe Essentials of the Christian Faith,â with Patrick Szalapski. That episode was an overview of seven essential doctrines of Christianity. Since then, we have taken every January (except 2012) to get specifically into each of the essentials. Bob DeWaay returns this month for his third look at these essential doctrines with us. This time around, we discuss Salvation and Condemnation.

This episode was originally recorded on New Year's Day as a live Google Hangout "On Air" (the recording of that video is below).

An Outline of the Discussion

Salvation and Condemnation is an essential doctrine. It has it's roots in the very beginning of the Bible, in Genesis, where Adam and Eve are warned that if they eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that they will surely die.
The Emergent Church subscribes to a form of Universalism because their guiding philosophy is the Hagalian Dialectic, of a thesis and antithesis, and the eventual synthesis of the two.
Unbelievers, for the most part, just do not believe that Hell exists.
Salvation and Condemnation is the essence of the Gospel.
Salvation is the essence of the Five Solas of the Reformation. We learn everything we need for Salvation from the Scriptures alone. Salvation is by Faith Alone. Salvation comes by Grace Alone. Salvation is through Christ Alone. And Salvation is to the Glory of God Alone.
Because Christ is the only one by which salvation comes to us, the wicked may allow us to do good works, but they do not allow that Christ be preached.
As was discussed in Episode 78, God demonstrates His love for us in salvation, and explains that we demonstrate our love in return through obedience.
There is a theme throughout the scriptures of the banquet that ties into salvation and condemnation. The saved are at one banquet, and the wicked are at another.
There is a concept throughout the Old Testament, and into the New, of role books. Towns, Cities, and provinces would keep a role of their citizens. When people were born, their names were added to the role. When they died, their names were blotted out. This concept is alluded to as the role book of Heaven is described, and the Lord says His people will not have their names blotted out.
If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead. - Luke 16:31

Scriptures Referrenced

Daniel 12:2
John 5:28-29
John 6:29
Matthew 7:21-27
John 3:16-18, 36
Luke 13:26-30
Exodus 32:32-33
Philippians 4:3
Revelation 3:5
Revelation 13:8
Revelation 20:12, 15
Luke 16:22-31
John 14:1-6
Philippians 3:20
Acts 4:12
Romans 8
1 John

Related Episodes

January 2009 - Patrick Szalapski: The Essentials of the Christian Faith
January 2010 - Patrick Szalapski: The Atonement
January 2011 - Patrick Szalapski: The Incarnation
January 2013 - Bob DeWaay: The Authority of the Bible
January 2014 - Bob DeWaay: The Doctrine of the Church
May 2008 - Bob DeWaay: Open Theism and the Doctrine of Election
October 2009 - Bob DeWaay: The Emergent Church-Undefining Christianity
February 2010 - Phil Johnson: The Doctrines of Grace
November 2010 - Dr. James White: Sola Gratia & Sovereign Grace
May 2011 - Phil Johnson: Sola Fide
October 2011 - Mike Abendroth: Sola Scriptura
October 2014 - Nick Coldagelli: The Love of God
November 2014 - Dan Phillips: The World-Tilting Gospel
December 2014 - Justin Peters: Trips to Heaven

Additional Resources

Dining with the King: Jesus Dines with Sinners - How Banquets in the Bible reveal Salvation or Judgment - Bob DeWaay, Critical Issues Commentary
How can we determine what doctrines are essential and what are they? - JanMacArthur, Grace to You

Video From the Live Broadcast