Echo Zoe Radio

Echo Zoe Radio

Isaiah Chua: Christianity in Singapore

March 04, 2013

Isaiah_Chua For this installment of Echo Zoe Radio, I spoke with my friend Isaiah Chua, a Brother in Christ from Singapore. This is an informal, friendly discussion about the culture of Singapore, and the state of the church in this small city-state in Southeast Asia.

Discussion Overview

Isaiah and I talked about the political and religious makeup of Singapore. They are a parliamentary democracy, based on British Law. That legal system was inherited from their days as a British Colony.

Singapore recognizes four religions: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. It is a multi-ethnic culture made up largely of Chinese, Malaysian, and Indian descendants.

Isaiah shares his experience of recently going door-to-door to hand out gospel tracts. It reflects his observation that the church in Singapore, especially the Reformed churches, do a poor job of reaching the lost in their country. Isaiah and his church have set out to do something about that.

Additional Resources