eComCatalyst - Selling on Amazon FBA and e-Commerce

eComCatalyst - Selling on Amazon FBA and e-Commerce

Long Term Storage Fees are Coming & Free 30-Minute Coaching [Episode 25]

July 25, 2017

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Welcome to Episode 25 of the E-BusinessOnline Podcast

Host & Speaker:  Fred McKinnon

Topic:   Fred discusses the upcoming Long Term Storage Fees, changes in Amazon’s Multi-Channel Fulfillment fees, and the new liquidation options.

2 Things We Are Asking Every Listener to Consider:

  • Visit the Podcast on iTunes and leave a rating and written review (speak my love language, please!)

Episode 25:

Hey EBOers:

In this episode we’re talking about the upcoming Amazon Long Term Storage Fees.   They are going to hit you on August 15, 2017 for any inventory that you’ve had in Amazon’s warehouses for 6+ months.

As of July 1, 2017, your aged units of inventory in our fulfillment centers will subject to the following fees, unless you submit a Removal Order request (or they sell) before August 15, 2017:

  • $11.25 USD/cubic foot (six to 12 months)
  • $22.50 USD/cubic foot (more than 12 months)

We recommend going to Amazon Seller Central > Inventory > Inventory Planning and reviewing your aged inventory.  You can also see “Recommended Removal” reports in the Reports > Fulfillment area.

One new option for getting rid of excess inventory is Amazon’s new “LBA” or “Liquidation by Amazon”.   Amazon will liquidate your inventory for you and pay you 90% of the proceeds.   However, be advised that the typical liquidation price is around 10% of the “average selling price”.


As you have heard, I am offering professional e-commerce coaching.   As a fun contest I’d like to offer one free 30-minute coaching session.   To enter the contest, send a text message to “44-222” with the word:  EBOCOACH.

Lastly, send Fred an email and let him know where you’re listening from.   fred @

Download the show notes.

If you’re listening on our website, please consider clicking the subscribe links underneath the player to subscribe in iTunes or in Android apps.  We’d be honored to hear your comments about this podcast below and your reviews on iTunes.


Interested in having 1-on-1 consulting calls with Fred?   See the appointment calendar below:

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