eComCatalyst - Selling on Amazon FBA and e-Commerce

eComCatalyst - Selling on Amazon FBA and e-Commerce

Amazon Prime Day is Coming – How to Prepare [Episode 23]

July 03, 2017

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Welcome to Episode 23 of the E-BusinessOnline Podcast

Host & Speaker:  Fred McKinnon

Topic:   Fred discusses Amazon’s Prime Day and how to prepare your Sponsored Product Ads.

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Episode 23:

Amazon’s Prime Day is Coming – July 11, 2017

Hello EBO’ers:

In today’s episode I talk about Amazon’s upcoming Prime Day on July 11th, 2017.   I go over some suggestions on how to prepare for your sponsored product ads from Ivy, an Amazon Business Specialist.

Below is some of the tips discovered:

As you know, Prime Day is on 7/11 and Prime Week starts on 7/5 so I’d like to send you some tips for your SP campaigns – let’s take advantage of this biggest Amazon festival!

Benefits from Prime Day/Week:

  1. Page View / Traffic had X times increase in 2016 (sorry cannot share the X here but you would be shockedJ)
  2. GMS had Y times increase as well (this number is phenomenal!)
  3. Halo effect for your organic ranks after the Prime Day
  4. Etc. etc.(If you did not do well in 2016 on the Prime Day, it does not mean that you won’t do well this year!)

What should you do for your Sponsored Products campaigns?

  1. Increase your overall bids around 7/4 especially for core keywords and focused ASINs given that all the advertisers will increase their bids so your ads will not show up if you don’t do so.
  2. Increase your Daily Budget to make sure your campaigns do not run out of budget in the middle of the day – please be noted that if you increase your budget when it’s out of budget already, it will take several hours to populate so your ads won’t show up for a few hours. I would have the Daily Budget in place around 7/4 as well
  3. Turn on Bid+ for your manual campaigns to get more opportunities showing your ads on Top of Search placements
  4. Add more keywords to your manual campaigns and put exact match & phrase match types
  5. Remove Negative Keywords if they are relevant to your products – check the negative keywords you added earlier and remove the ones if they are relevant to your ASINs to ensure impressions & relevancy
  6. Revert changes back one week after the Prime Week as there is an Halo effect

Download the show notes.

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