Lets Talk: The Journey To Moving Forward

Lets Talk: The Journey To Moving Forward

Pained For A Purpose (The Story of Naomi)

November 11, 2021

When we go through trials in life, we never expect them to be for a purpose. Often times we ask God why. Why me? why now? this is not supposed to happen. We may be in a place where because we are going through a hard time, we may think that God has forgotten about us. Like Naomi, you may be going through so much that you begin to label yourself based solely on your circumstances. What circumstances has you down and out? what have you labeled yourself based on where you are at? (Hoe, Slut, Motherless, Not worthy because you are not married? ignorant because you have not even finished your GED or got a High School diploma?) But God is here to tell you to to hold on! you are not your circumstances. They do not define you. Trust Him in the process and trust that He knows what He is doing. You are pained for a purpose. You cannot see it now but God says to hold on, He promises He will bless you. Remember the promises of God.