

Latest Episodes

eb5superhero #8: Rupy Cheema, CEO and Founder of EB5 Diligence
November 04, 2021

Rupys EB5 Diligence verifies EB-5 projects claims, with an auditors x-ray vision!

eb5superhero #7: Ed Ramos, Partner at KKT&P, victorious in the landmark Zhang case
October 13, 2021

Sticking up for the Underdogs! Victory in the landmark Zhang case gets USCIS to update its policy manual.

eb5superhero #6: Jay Mehta, Director at FRR Immigration Services
October 07, 2021

The TOP TOP TOP, EB-5 broker dealer in India!

eb5superhero #5: Christian Triantaphyllis, Partner at Jackson Walker
September 27, 2021

Straight as an arrow! Christian is one of the really good guys in EB-5, out protecting the path to the American dream for foreign investors, and keeping Regional Centers compliant and in line.

eb5superhero #3: Michael Goldberg, Receiver for Jay Peak
September 09, 2021

Fighting the bad guys, and winning!

eb5superhero #2: Aaron Grau, Executive Director of IIUSA
September 03, 2021

From mild-mannered Clark Kent to eb5superhero, Aaron advocates for EB-5 simply because it creates jobs for the American people!

eb5superhero #1: Charles Foster, Partner and Founder of Foster Global
September 01, 2021

The gold-standard of EB-5 immigration attorneys. Charles Foster has advised presidents, and believes EB-5 can even help the Queen of England immigrate to the US.