Eat Real To Heal Podcast

Eat Real To Heal Podcast

Ep. 24 Wellness warrior, Andrea Lee, walks you through her healing journey from poor digestion, depression + excessive drinking to a vibrant health and life.

June 18, 2019

50% of Canadians, by the age of 40, will have or have had a mental illness. Healing hero, Andrea Lee, wasn’t going to accept being yet another statistic and so she took her health into her own hands. She knew there had to be another way and that addressing her lifestyle choices was the answer. Not knowing if she’d get results, she registered for our 3-month Nutrition and Detox coaching program and her learning and healing began.

Andrea discovered that simple, clean nutrient-dense food and beverages and deep detoxification was the answer that would end her sugar and alcohol cravings. Real food was also the the missing link in her battle with terrible digestive troubles and poor sleep and mood. After coming face to face with depression and life itself, Andrea did the hardest things you can do when life gets tough - she questioned what she was doing, took a left turn, and started making lifestyle changes that reclaimed her health and her career. Enjoy discovering Andrea’s heart-warming and wonder-woman-esk story of winning that battle against social norms.

Listen, enjoy and let us know what you think!