Eat Real To Heal Podcast

Eat Real To Heal Podcast

Ep. 1 Connecting with Dr. Max Gerson's grandson: Howard Straus

November 16, 2018

Howard Straus Eat Real to Heal Podcast

Extremely excited to be interviewing Howard Straus, a force of nature in the plant-based real food world and a major influencer in the Gerson Therapy movement. Get to learn about his childhood and how he grew up and based his life on principles of detoxifying and nutrifying the body through food is medicine and healing in the most natural way as possible without using drugs to heal.

"The body knows what to go after to heal itself. It knows!"

- Howard Straus

You can tune into The Power of Natural Healing with Howard Straus broadcast live every Monday at 11 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel and learning more about Dr. Max Gerson through his book Dr. Max Gerson: Healing The Hopeless,and get much more at

I hope this conversation will highlight the reasons why a plant-based and real food diet can keep you growing old strong, vibrant and disease free.