Ear Seduction

Ear Seduction

S1_E9: Very Ape

February 27, 2021

In this episode of Ear Seduction I try a new format for the show. This episode was my first attempt at a project that I’m calling Very Ape. Very Ape will be a series of episodes that will debut in season three of Ear Seduction and will focus on expressing my emotions without worrying about what my words imply. This is not an exercise in logic or reason; it’s an exercise in getting out my frustrations during a conversation with someone else that can then push back on what I say in order to reel me back in and start to identify where the truths of the situation I’m raging about actually lie. The benefit of this format will be two fold. One, I’ll be identifying a topic that causes lots of emotional response from me and others. Two, these rants will be a starting place from which I can launch potential solutions. So to take you through the evolution of thought; it goes something like this.
I hate something about the world –> I rage about it out loud to someone as a form of catharsis –> I stop raging and start listening to my guest in order to refocus my thoughts on an actual real world solution (that doesn’t have anything to do with the rage I am feeling) –> I earmark the topic for elaboration on future episodes of Ear Seduction after I’ve had time to do research and figure out the science behind a real world solution.
In this episode I do try to reel myself in and get to a place that makes moral and ethical sense. As this was my first attempt at this type of show, I felt it necessary to explore the format in its entirety. In future episodes I’ll likely break it up into two sections. Section 1: I freak out and vent my frustrations about the world with an introduction that explicitly explains that the thoughts and feelings expressed in this section are not what I want for the world and will likely not be included in my solution. They are merely an extreme position taken just to satisfy my ape brain’s blood lust. Once I’ve reached an emotional climax, I can breathe deeply and start the healing process. Section 2: will consist of a separate episode where I expand on the topic, incorporating the relevant research, in order to understand it. This will be my launching off point from where I will then look to solve the problem. I’d like to take that even further by having a guest on the show to assist me in the solution process and to offer expertise.
Why would I do this you ask? Because I’d like to engage with my ape-like emotions, feel them, and then discard them having been spent. Then I’d like to actually engage with the injustice rationally and try to find a solution. Finally, I’d like to have a guest on the show assist in this to build friendship and trust and understanding. Sounds crazy right? Enjoy!