The Earbud_U Podcast

The Earbud_U Podcast

Earbud_U, Season Four, Episode #6 – Darren MacDonald

October 14, 2016

[Podcast] Earbud_U, Season Four, Episode # 6 – Darren MacDonald, Investor, Film/Movie Buff, World Traveler, Local Raconteur

Intercultural context, humility, and world travel.
Capitalism, expanding your worldview, entrepreneurship, one-way traffic, and the country of India.
Our guest today on the show, Darren MacDonald, is a local venture capital investor, film buff, and world traveler.  This interview stands out as a “call back” to our very first episode of the Earbud_U Podcast, where we debuted by featuring Darren’s unique, humorous and engaging point of view.
And we’re doing it again here.
In this episode, Darren talks about finding his way from the Taj Mahal to Mumbai, his travels in India, and how to expand capitalism into other areas and explore new ideas.
One idea that we talked about extensively in this conversation was about hope. Now, hope is not a strategy, but it does lie at the core of many questions, yet to be answered, in the world of entrepreneurship globally:
How do we get hope to people?
Hope to places from Mumbai, India to St. Louis, Missouri.
Hope to places where all hope–economic, social, and even spiritual–has left.
Hope is the eraser for despair. But before we get to hope, we’ve got to identify what the problems are, why they are important to solve, and who actually has the bandwidth to solve them.
This is the first part of a two-part conversation with Darren and it’s a lot of fun, while also being sobering, inspiring, and sometimes, just downright goofy.
And there’s nothing not hopeful about any of that.
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