The Eager to be Healthy Podcasts with Michael Eger - Health Coach - Be happy and and enjoy life

The Eager to be  Healthy Podcasts with Michael Eger - Health Coach - Be happy and and enjoy life

Eager to be Healthy – Crystal Collins – Want to be Vegan

February 27, 2015

Crystal Collins is today's guest on Eager to be Healthy.  We talk about juicing, veganism, and raising healthy kids in a divided home. 

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What do you do to improve the health and happiness of others?

I encourage people to get healthier through one-on-one sessions, public speaking, and through my website and online presence. I've written several ebooks on the topic of healthier living, with a huge focus on green juicing. I encourage people to make small steps each week to change their health, because it's not always about being extreme or obsessed with every little thing that we eat or do. It's about the daily choice to do small things that add up to a huge difference.

Do you have a story or an adventure from becoming healthy?

Through simple diet changes into eating healthier foods and staying active, I dropped from a size 16 down to s size 4. I didn't do an extreme diet or hardcore fitness regimen to change my life, and the simple eating and activity has made all the difference in keeping the weight off and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

What are your interests and hobbies outside of wellness?

I'm a huge music and drama geek. I enjoy playing my guitar and singing. Aside from when I'm able to change someone's health for the better, I never feel more fulfilled than when I'm on stage pouring out my heart in song. I most recently starred as Fiona in Shrek the Musical at the Rockmart Arts Center Theater.

What topics on the subject of improving health and increasing happiness can you talk about?

I can talk about fitness, healthier eating, juicing, smoothies, healthy beauty and skin care products, green home products, and raw clean eating.

Do you have products or services you wish to promote? If so what are they?

Sure! I'd love to promote my 21 day juicing challenge.

Why do you feel your happy?

I'm happy because I live a whole health lifestyle. Toxins are everywhere: in food, in the air we breathe, in the water we drink, and in the people that we allow into our lives. Removing the toxins is empowering and opens our minds to a higher level of thinking and mental health. When we are healthy with the foods we put into our bodies, with our physical fitness, and surround ourselves with beautiful people then we find a deeper level of joy and happiness.
