The Dworkin Report

The Dworkin Report

Rob Goldstone just told us everything about the Trump Tower meeting

December 02, 2018

Scott interviews Rob Goldstone about his testimony to Special Counsel Mueller’s grand jury and Congressional investigators where he talks about his email to Donald Trump Jr. whose revelation changed the face of American politics. Goldstone wrote a book entitled, “Pop Stars, Pageants & Presidents: How An Email Trumped My Life,” about himself and his time as a professional publicist for Russian pop star Emin Agalarov, whose father brought Trump’s Miss Universe Pageant to Moscow in 2013 and who was the ultimate source of the request for a meeting at Trump Tower during the 2016 presidential election. Rob Goldstone answered every question we asked him, and he had no prompting of what we would ask; one of our questions left him speechless.
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