Dwarven Ales & Critical Fails: The 5E DND Podcast
Latest Episodes
Ep. 3: Chad’s The Leader Now!
This episode, our fearless party continues their adventure in the Rocktooth Terrors Hideout, searching for the presumably kidnapped Lord Tallis. After finding the lair somewhat ...
Ep. 2: Braziers, Baddies, & Bonfires
Our heroes get themselves into a "pickle" when they infiltrate the Rocktooth Terrors Hangout. When all else fails and our party gets themselves into their first ...
Ep. 1: The Good, The Bad, and The Naked
Join our Adventurers this week as they are given their first mission as Veil agents before they have even graduated! They are tasked to find the kidnapped ...
Ep. 0: The Dwarven Ales and Critical Fails Podcast
Come Join the Dwarven Ales Critical Fails Podcast team as they set off in their First Journey into the world of Ondorin. Led by their ...