DVDASA with David Choe and Asa Akira

DVDASA with David Choe and Asa Akira

DVDASA | Saga 02 | Chapter 015 | Redzone All The Time: The Choe Chang Method Men Evolution

December 22, 2014

Fade into the youngest looking 40 year old: a solo Steve Lee wearing a Lolita hat getting grilled by double Daves over the God mic with Choe & Chang. Dave asks the famous Janet Jackson question: what have you done for me lately? Steve reveals that while he’s been busy he hasn’t exactly been working hard. Maybe it’s time to switch shit up from the Choe Method to the Chang Method aka the Chang Change. A brutal Tiger Dad, David Chang reveals how he would break Steve Lee down, turning Choe suggestions into mandatory Chang actions while incentivizing good performance like a sport’s contract, transforming Steve Lee into a red zoned all the time performance machine who turns squandered opportunity into full life fucking. If you’re over Steve Lee (fuck you) don’t worry- this episode’s got plenty of other shit, from a Burning Man report from our blonde and bearded koala to a recap of a Choe Chang Critter fishing trio in the rich white paradise of the Wyoming Tetons. We cover the sick shit like hooker bartering, the hug and release evolution of ABF, the smelling of Poon’s bare asshole, and the most romantic anything of all time- bro dates. This shit is sick. And if it’s true that a really good friend is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, then we’re you’re best friend in the world. Iron sharpens iron, the middle is open, change or die- this is DVDASA. We go all in.
Recorded September 16th, 2014