dusty grooves
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Audio Archaeology: A Yale Student’s final project, 1966
[this is a part of the continuing Audio Archaeology series, where I explore the found reel-to-reels of past recording enthusiasts.] This is the most interesting of my early finds with this collection. Some tapes appear to have been recorded with a portabl
Audio Archaeology: A trip though a found tape collection
[this is a part of the continuing Audio Archaeology series, where I explore the found reel-to-reels of past recording enthusiasts.] This is the first installment of a series that will explore the contents of a reel-to-reel tape collection I acquired quite
Confessions of an audio junkie
I’ve always been, since I can remember anything at all, a recording junkie. I’ve been dancing to music since I could walk. I got my first record as a gift from my aunt Kathy, who said whenever she played Beatles ’65, I danced and danced
Don’t put all the work on the artist
Famously (in my own mind) an art teacher once said: “Art is a dialogue. Without a reaction from a viewer, a painting does not communicate, and is not art.” Perhaps the point was taken to the logical extreme, but it hammers an important lesson