Durianrider Raw Truth
Latest Episodes
How 2 Kiss A Girl For The First Time & NOT Get Brittany Higgins'd! #257
In 2023 the dating game is CHANGED. Welcome to the post #metoo era where juries will believe and be coerced into aligning with the current social narratives.Women need to be more aggressive and men need to be more defensive now. Those who dont understand
Why Women ALWAYS Cheat On Nice Guys With Fuckbois? #256
Given the opportunity she will unless you give her enough top tier fuckboi masculine presence to keep her satisfied. Some women need a lot of that energy and some not as much. It is a spectrum. Know your beast and tame and train it accordingly.
How to cut carbs forever! #255
If you want a soft body like Jamie Oliver and his matching poor levels of cardio then definitely listen to Jamie about what to eat and cut out sugar!
Jesse Coyle Cycling Story Podcast #254
Recently in Sydney in May 2023 where we recorded this in Sydney Park. Grab your fav carb based drink and meal and sit back and enjoy. :)
How I Became The Most Successful Youtuber On The Platform? #253
How do you define success? For me it is LOVING what you do every day.
Where do fat people go wrong with weight loss mostly? #251
So many people out there ready to take your money and just tell you absolute lies to keep your ego fed. Why waste your life like that getting played and just fatter and sicker?
How to get LEAN the easy way? #250
The easy way is the best way when it comes to getting lean and staying lean. Why suffer?
Andrew Tate wont tell you this about dating so I will #249
Dating tips for young men who lack experience.
How I Live Such An INCREDIBLE Quality Of Life #247
I didnt always think this way BUT when I started to my life CHANGED for the better FOREVER.