Durianrider Raw Truth
Latest Episodes
Nikocado Avocado lost 250lbs?? HOW!? #315
Nikocado Avocado lost 250lbs?? HOW!? #315
48 minutes of top tier life advice. #314
You only get one life. NOBODY knows how long it is going to last. Could be for another 50 years. Could be for another 50 seconds.
How much sugar is too much sugar? #312
Jamie Oliver can't even sprint a block to save his kids and wife yet has become a world expert on nutrition for humans? If you want to look like Jamie Oliver in a bikini then listen to him.
Why does a low carb diet make you look soft like Peter Attia etc? #311
All the low carb crew who actually do low carb end up soft and unfit looking. Why is that?
Erriyon Knighton BUSTED? #309
Would tren even helps a sprinter? YES!! Even just 5mg a week of tren would provide significant speed gains for a 100m sprinter! IYKYK.
What women want to tell you but are too shy #308
Women fear being judged or rejected so they keep this stuff in private and just HOPE you understand what she really wants...
Im a cyclist bum who always has HOT girlfriends. How?? #306
Need a hot car to get hot chicks? Yeah nah.