Discover Someone Remarkable

Discover Someone Remarkable

Dr Chris Rowell — The Fundamentals and Potential of Blockchain

May 06, 2020

Dr Chris Rowell is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) Sauder School of Business, and the Head of Education and Professional Development at Cyberium Group. Chris has been researching and working in the blockchain field since 2017. In this episode Chris explains in simple terms what Blockchain technology is, and provides some examples of current use-cases.

He clears up some common myths and misconceptions around Blockchain and Bitcoin. And discusses how Walmart is using a Blockchain to keep track of every bag of spinach and head of lettuce sold through their network.


About Chris:

Dr Chris Rowell is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of British Columbia’s Sauder School of Business, and the Head of Education and Professional Development at Cyberium Group, a Vancouver-based technology and innovation consultant. He has a Doctorate of Science (DSc) in Technology, majoring in Strategy and Venturing, from Aalto University in Finland. His research, teaching, and consulting work centre around digital disruption and transformation, and strategizing in volatile and ambiguous environments.
Chris has been researching and working in the blockchain field since 2017, and is especially interested in how blockchain enables new forms of organizing, value creation and value capture.

At UBC, Chris coordinates the Blockchain@UBC Summer Institute; a two-week program held annually that brings together industry and academic experts to discuss current issues around blockchain technology and its applications. Chris has also designed and delivered a UBC Sauder Executive Education course on the strategic management of blockchain technology, and routinely runs workshops on blockchain from a business perspective for undergraduate, graduate, executive, and professional audiences.

Connect with Chris on LinkedIn


Episode contents:

Chris explains the fundamentals of Blockchain technology is, and some current use cases. 
He clarifies some myths and misconceptions about Blockchain and Bitcoin. 
Highlights some examples of Enterprise Blockchain Applications. 
Chris explains ‘Smart contracts’ and how they could be used. 
We discuss how Blockchain technology could reduce fraud and wastage in Digital marketing. 
How it could help artists get fair remuneration in the music industry.  
And how Blockchain could help individuals protect their own private information. 
Finally how Blockchain technology could decommoditize commodities.